Private Lessons and Day Training
Private lessons are 60 minute, tailored training sessions for you and your dog. We can work on basic training, behavioral concerns, sports skills, and more.
Day Training is an opportunity for your dog to learn during Daycare or Boarding. We must have a previous history with your dog prior to booking.


Age Based Training
$200 for 6 weeks
Our group classes require the owner to be present with the dog. We have a minimum of 5 dogs per class and a maximum of 8 dogs per class. Age appropriate vaccines and negative "fecal float" within 1 year are required.
Puppy Kindergarten
For puppies 9-20 weeks of age
Next sessions start the week of 3/23
This class is an introduction and discussion focusing on:
Equipment (collar, leash, harness)
Basics of leash walking
How to improve the communication and relationship with your dog
Start of recall
Discussion of handling and proper socialization
Body awareness/sensory development
Introduction to nose work
Teen Woof
For puppies 5-12 months of age
Next sessions start the week of 3/23
This class focuses on:
Equipment (collar, leash, harness)
Improved leash walking
How to improve the communication and relationship with your dog
Longer duration sit/down/wait
Harder recalls
Discussion of handling and proper socialization
Body awareness/sensory development, & the developing mind of your teenage dog
Introduction to nose work
Adult Basic
For dogs 1+ years of age
This class focuses on:
Equipment (collar, leash, harness)
Improving upon the foundation of established communication with your dog with a focus on your dog’s individual challenges at this time.
Improved leash walking
Longer duration sit/down/wait
Harder recalls
Discussion of handling and proper socialization
Body awareness/sensory development
Nose work
Nose Work
$200 for 6 weeks
Intro to Nose Work
For dogs new to nose-work and 6 months or older
Next sessions start the week of 3/23
Introductory Nose work is the foundation of teaching dogs of all ages to start learning searching behavior. This class is designed around the principles of the sport of Nose Work, and is the foundation of dog professionals like SAR, detection work, truffle hunting, etc. It is also great for:
Therapeutic nose work
Improved Bonding
Great for dogs in need of Interactive Brain work
Convalescing dogs healing from injury, surgery, or simply aging animals
Nose Work 2.0 - Intro to Odor
For dogs 10 months or older.
Next sessions start the week of 3/23
** Must have previous nose-work experience with CPC or other instructors
This class focuses on advancing the searching skills. Consistent searching behavior is necessary to get the most out of this class. In this class we will introduce odor and work on recognizing behavior changes associated with a dog learning to work odor. We will also work on improving handler skills.
This course is appropriate for teams looking to dive deeper into nose work or working toward entering competitions.
Nose Work 3.0 - Competition readiness
For dogs 12 months or older.
** Must have previous nose-work experience with CPC, or other instructors, or have passed an ORT or other nose work title.
This class focuses on advancing the searching skills. Consistent searching behavior for odor is necessary to get the most out of this class. In this class we will work on ensuring proficiency at all three odors in unique and challenging search environments. Our goal is to help the team understand that searching can occur in a variety of location with a variety of distractions. Of site trips may be included.
This course is appropriate for teams who are competing or would like to compete in Scent Work competitions.

Drop-In Classes
Check homepage below for schedule or follow us on Facebook.

Drop-In Barn Hunt
Coming Soon - Barn Hunt capitalizes on your dog’s innate desire to hunt for things and a great way for them to get their desire for hunting met in a safe and fun way! Barn Hunt is a dog sport where pet rats are housed safely in specially-made tubes for the dogs to find, and alert the handler where they are. This is a fantastic mental and physical outlet for dogs of all kinds! Rats are always kept safe and we work with dogs to ensure they do not haze the rats.
Drop-In Rally!
This Class is for owners looking for a fun challenge with their dog. Whether new to the dog sport of Rally or getting ready for a competition, we set up courses and working stations for you to work on your skills in a trial like, encouraging environment.
Drop-In Sniff ‘n Go
Need a place to test your nose-work dog? Getting ready for a trial or working on a particular skill? We’d love to be your go-to location for practice! We will set up a variety of hides in all the elements and you can come test, train, work with your dog. The environment will be similar to a trial environment for practice purposes.
Conformation/Show Handling
This Class is for owners of Purebred dogs preparing for the AKC and UKC show ring and includes:
Breed specific tips
Tackling individual concerns
Discussing the show process
Q&A discussions about the wonderful world of dog shows!
Conformation/Show Handling
Need a place to test your nose-work dog? Getting ready for a trial or working on a particular skill? We’d love to be your go-to location for practice! We will set up a variety of hides in all the elements and you can come test, train, work with your dog. The environment will be similar to a trial environment for practice purposes.

Specialty Classes
Canine Fitness / Intro to Dog Sports
For dogs 6 months and older
$210 for 6 weeks
In this class, we will work on age appropriate exercises for flexibility, strength, and body awareness which includes everything from casual weekend warrior dogs to the canine athlete. Live locally here in the Gorge? This class will be beneficial to help your dog live the Gorge lifestyle and is a fun class for all, to increase the bond with you and your canine partner and help protect them from injury while living an active lifestyle.
We focus on:
Warm-up/cool down routines
Stretching & strengthening exercises
Individual focused exercises for your canine
30 minutes of exposure to a new dog sport each week

Trick Dog Class - Beginner
For dogs 6 months and older
$210 for 6 weeks
In this class, we will be working on having fun with your dog while teaching improved reliability of basic commands and some amusing and enriching tricks for your dog and you!
Pre-Requisite: Must be good on a leash and be able to gain focus in a distracted environment.
We focus on:
Tricks needed to earn a Trick Dog Novice Title through AKC.
Teaching fun behaviors that improve bonding and work your dog's brain.
Working on improved focus and body awareness through tricks.
Recall Class
$200 for 6 weeks
This course is focused on improving your dog's recall. A good and safe recall is the foundation for allowing your dog more freedom.
We will work from low distraction to high distraction with a variety of games, exercises, skills for you and your dog to learn that quick recall

Cafe, Community, and Winery Class
$210 for 6 weeks
This is an advanced skills class. Dogs should already be able to walk nicely on a leash and are generally appropriate in public (sitting calmly, allowing dogs and people to pass by, etc). This class will work on distracted skills, longer stays, calm behavior in busy environments. Field trips are part of this class.
Pre-requisite - knowledge of your dog or 30 minute private lesson with instructors to demonstrate required skills.
Canine Good Citizen
$225 for 6 weeks
This class focuses on passing the AKC Canine Good Citizen test. The class includes the prep course and testing for the AKC CGC test.
We work on building skills for proper obedience and good public social skills.
Test items:
Accepting a friendly stranger
Sitting politely for petting
Accepting Grooming
Loose Leash Walking
Walking through a crowd
Sit and down on cue and stay
Come when called
Reaction to another dog
Reaction to distraction
Supervised separation

Other Training

Board and Train
All-inclusive boarding from 1-4 weeks with daily focused training based on your individual dog needs.
We can focus on some or all of the following:
Behavioral modification
Sport specific work
Injury rehabilitation.
At the end of your dog's stay - we will schedule & work with you, the owner(s), to transfer the skills that your pup has learned during their stay.
Upcoming Class Schedule
Group Classes Starting March 23rd
Sunday - 3/23
Intro to Nose Work - 9am
Teen Woof - 10:15am
Distraction - 11:30
Canine Good Citizen - 1pm
Wednesday - 3/26
Mixed age Puppy Class - 2pm
Nose Work 2.0 - on Odor - 4:30pm
Thursday - 3/27
Puppy Kindergarten - 5pm
Tuesday - Rotating Drop in Schedule TBD