
Regular grooming is more than cosmetic. It’s an important part of pet care that can improve your dog’s skin, coat and quality of life, helping keep them happy, healthy and comfortable.
We have a full grooming facility and are offering the following services with our experienced groomer Amanda, by appointment only.
Final cost is based on time and the level of professional services needed.
If your dog has not been groomed professionally or it’s been 8 weeks or more, Amanda may request a meet ‘n greet to assess your dog’s needs and the time it will require.
Text to Schedule: 360-564-5650

Bath and Brush
A basic bath and brush/blow out to remove dead coat. Every dog needs a good bath and brush, but this is geared specifically towards longer-coated dogs, or dogs who shed a lot.
Text to Schedule: 360-564-5650
A bath with light trimming of hair around the afore mentioned areas. This service can be for ‘hair’ breeds (poodles, schnauzers, doodle) or for heavily coated breeds.
Text to Schedule: 360-564-5650

Full Grooming
We offer this service on a limited basis. A consultation will be required prior to appointment. Includes scissoring.